Health Maintenance

Concierge Medicine located in Upper East Side, New York, NY

Health Maintenance

Health Maintenance services offered in Upper East Side, New York, NY

Routine wellness checkups present an opportunity to assess your health and look for underlying medical issues. At the concierge office of Sandra Gilban, MD PC, in the Upper East Side neighborhood of New York City, New York, Dr. Gilban provides wellness checkups to individuals and families. To book a wellness visit for yourself or your child, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

Health Maintenance Q & A

What is a wellness checkup?

An annual wellness checkup is a type of primary care. It’s a brief in-office visit that features a physical exam, sex-specific preventive screenings, and updated immunizations, if necessary. Dr. Gilban might also order lab tests or diagnostic imaging, depending on your age and health history.

Schedule a wellness checkup every year, even if you feel healthy. Many chronic medical conditions don’t present obvious symptoms. Regular checkups can help identify a condition early, when it’s most responsive to treatment. 

What does a wellness checkup involve?

Dr. Gilban tailors wellness checkups to your medical history and needs. She might recommend:

Vital signs check
Dr. Gilban checks your height, weight, and reflexes; listens to your lungs and heart; and takes your blood pressure.


Immunizations (or vaccinations) teach your immune system to attack harmful invaders like viruses and bacteria. After reviewing your medical records, Dr. Gilban can develop a custom immunization schedule that aligns with your needs. 


Male sex-specific screenings
Men 50 and older are more likely to experience sex-specific medical issues like prostate cancer, low testosterone, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Preventive screenings like prostate exams can catch issues early on and prevent them from worsening.


Female sex-specific screenings
People with female reproductive organs are susceptible to certain medical issues like cervical and breast cancers. Dr. Gilban can complete a Pap smear on-site and refer you to a nearby radiology facility for a mammogram.


Lab tests
Lab tests analyze blood, urine, and saliva to identify underlying medical issues like high cholesterol, hormonal imbalances, or infectious diseases. As a concierge medicine provider, Dr. Gilban can provide most test results in less than 48 hours.

 What are the benefits of wellness checkups?

 Participating in annual wellness checkups offers various benefits, including:

  • A strong and trusting relationship with Dr. Gilban
  • Education on how to stay healthy and prevent disease
  • Improved quality of life
  • Reduced healthcare costs
  • Reduced risk of chronic illness

If it’s been more than a year since your last wellness checkup, book a visit with Sandra Gilban, MD PC, by calling the office or scheduling an appointment online.